Give it a Go! Free, recreational sports activities for students | Sport at Cambridge skip to content

Sport at Cambridge


Give it a Go! Free, recreational sports activities for students

Free, beginner-friendly sports activities taking place every week for students!


The Give it a Go programme continues to be a great way for the Cambridge community to keep active and maintain a healthy lifestyle while studying, and it's open to all regardless of college or department. 

The programme breaks down the barriers to physical activity by providing all of the equipment, high quality facilities, and a session leader to support participants to develop their skills, and to enjoy playing sport. However, the most important aspects of the Give it a Go programme are that the sessions are fun, and they're a chance to meet new people from the Cambridge community. 

175 sessions were delivered during Michaelmas 2024, meaning that over 200 hours of free, inclusive, low commitment sports activities were on offer for students.


Participant Feedback

In the end of term survey, 100% of respondents said that they would recommend the Give it a Go programme to a friend, while 95% agreed that being involved in the programme had enhanced their experience at Cambridge. 

"The friendly atmosphere has really, truly helped me come out of my shell and stay social and active. The GIAG sessions are both a great chance for me to learn to play volleyball while also getting to meet people."


Survey respondents outlined how they would describe the programme in a few words, and these were the results:

"I like the fact that you don't have to go every week, you have the option to try something during term and get to meet new people outside of your college and course."

"The sessions function as a de-stresser, as it gives me a bit of time to relax with friends or get to know new people, without the worries of my academic work - so it has improved my mental health."


Michaelmas Highlights

During Michaelmas term, over 600 students attended sessions, with nearly 2000 attendances in total! Students from all 31 colleges have attended, with the highest attenders so far being students from Fitzwilliam, Churchill, St Catharine's, St. Edmund's, Lucy Cavendish, Girton, and Selwyn. 

Following a successful launch of the programme during 2023-24, many of the attendees have progressed in 2024-25 to play the sport they have developed a passion for in their college team, or in a University Sports Club, despite starting out as beginners.

As well as well known favourites like football, tennis and volleyball, sessions including dodgeball, pickleball and padel have proved to be extremely popular over the term. 

As the demand increases for a wider variety of sessions, the programme has increased the number of sessions available at a wider range of venues, including trialling sessions in collaboration with Downing College on their site. 

Want to find out more about Give it a Go? Check out the timetable for the coming weeks, and all programme information via the camunisport app or via the website.

Pictured above (L-R): Robinson College Pegasus students with Coach Hope, Give it a Go Squash with Coach James, and Give it a Go Dodgeball-ers!


