Sports Committee was established following the Review of Sports Governance in 2015. The Committee's membership is as follows:
a) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) as Chair.
b) three persons appointed by the Council at least one of whom shall be a member of the Council, one shall be a member of University staff nominated by the Human Resources Committee, and one shall be a Senior Treasurer of a University sports club.
c) two persons appointed by the General Board at least one of whom shall be a member of the General Board.
d) a person appointed by the College Bursars' Committee.
e) a person appointed by the College Senior Tutors' Committee.
f) a student member nominated by the Education Committee and appointed by the General Board.
g) a student member appointed by the Clubs Sub-committee.
h) no more than three members co-opted by the Committee at least one of whom shall be a person with expertise in sports medicine and/or public health or wellbeing.
Any queries should be addressed to the Director.