The TTR is where we train a multitude of University sports teams, including Fencing, Athletics, Netball, Men’s Lightweight Rowing, Volleyball, Men’s Ice Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee, Men’s Hockey, Women’s Hockey, Women’s Football, Korfball, Lacrosse, American Football, Ski & Snowboard, Cricket and more. Teams are put through their paces by our highly qualified Fitness Staff to prepare for BUCS and all the other competitions that they compete in across the year, including Varsity Matches.
It is also the home of the University Boxing Club, with a permanent boxing ring and boxing-specific training area.
A variety of classes are also run in here, including Circuits and MetCon, now some of our the most popular classes at the centre. In addition to this, the TTR is open to members when not in use for classes or strength and conditioning sessions.