Winner - Unsung Hero | Sport at Cambridge skip to content

Winner - Unsung Hero

The winner for the Unsung Hero category is… Holly Tasker!

Gonville & Caius student Holly is closing in on the end of medical studies at Cambridge. Holly is a long serving member of the Cambridge University Student Sport Advisory Group, as well as the Cambridge women’s sport society, The Ospreys, and a key figure in the ongoing success of Women’s Cricket over recent years, currently in her second year as Club President.

Her dedication to the club and passion for cricket, despite many additional commitments, has been illustrated perfectly in her nomination by Chloe;

“Holly has for the last two years run the women's cricket club almost entirely single-handedly. As the very long-term captain of the club, I have been extremely grateful to hand all of the off-field administration over to her. She is ever cheerful with it and her efficiency is second to none. She continues to negotiate a complicated relationship between our junior and senior committees with patience and professionalism and has created an environment in which experienced and less-experienced players alike feel welcome and can develop both as cricketers and women.

It should also be mentioned that Holly has had a serious shoulder injury for the last three years, which has greatly restricted how much playing she can do. She cannot throw overarm and for twelve months has not been able to bowl (her main suit).

Despite this, and her clinical medical degree which sees her travelling across the country, she is always at training and will endlessly feed the bowling machine or give throw downs, since she cannot train herself. She is often in pain but this does not stop her being exceptionally welcoming and encouraging to our younger and less experienced players, offering excellent help and advice.

The cricket club owes her a very great deal, though she would never expect any thanks for all she does.”

Chloe A.


Something which all of the shortlisted candidates for this category shared is not expecting thanks despite their admirable efforts, so we would like to offer our huge thanks to all the shortlistees for the dedication you put in to the various sporting clubs and societies at Cambridge. Your efforts are truly immeasurable, and all working in the clubs team in the Sports Service are thankful.

And to Holly, congratulations on being announced as the winner!



Don’t forget that voting is still open for the Sporting Moment of the Year Award. Watch the videos here and share your favourite on social media & tag us in your posts!


To view the shortlisted nominations, please click here