The winner is… Alex Petter of Cambridge University Cycling Club!
Magdalene College student Alex has had a transformational impact on CUCC, despite significant adversity.
The brief for the category was "the individual who is the life and soul of your club - loved by all and whose presence creates a better club for all members". It is clear that Alex personifies this within the Cycling Club.
All of the shortlisted nominations for this category were fantastic, but to provide some context as to why Alex has won the award, we have provided an original nomination below from CUCC Sponsorship Secretary Robbie. This was undoubtedly a really special nomination, and one of many that Alex received, demonstrating the measure of support from his CUCC club mates.
“CUCC simply would not be the thriving club it is today without Alex’s presence. His contagious enthusiasm for the sport and the club have seen the club grow enormously both on the road and off it. Even before he was appointed President last year he was hugely influential in transforming the cycling club from a group of people that met up to ride their bikes at weekends to an extremely welcoming and supportive community.
Last year Alex was ride leader and was responsible for organising all levels of rides. By being dedicated to meeting everyone’s requirements from total beginners to experienced racers he really brought the club together in a way I’d never seen before. Brookside (where we meet for rides) was always a bustle of activity at 9am on weekends, no matter the weather. And who was at the heart of it all? Alex of course. He was there organising the groups, motivating people to head out even though it’s raining, and as a friendly face that everybody knows. With his introduction of café stops he started to make rides, and more widely the club, much more sociable. This is just one example of many positive influences he has had.
Alex stepped this up again this year as he took on the role of club President. I’ve been on committee for the last three years and am one of the elder members of the club and I cannot describe what an influence Alex has had this year. The committee thrives off Alex’s boundless enthusiasm which spreads no-end to the whole club. We have had a massive influx of participation this year, highlighted by the club kit order which was almost double that ever seen before. There is no doubt in my mind that this stems from Alex’s personality. He is hugely encouraging to new members, always keen to be open and inclusive. This was highlighted recently when he led his own birthday ride to his house for cake; we had one of the biggest club ride turnouts of term.
What makes Alex simply extraordinary is that he has done all this while undergoing cancer treatment. Even when he was up in Manchester Monday-Friday for radiotherapy he was running the club as enthusiastically as ever; organising training camp, ensuring rides always took place, running the committee and much more than I could possibly list. And when he was back in Cambridge at weekends he would be there at Brookside at 9am for the club rides. His positivity and love for the sport and the club is truly inspirational.”
Robbie B.
A massive and well deserved congratulations to Alex from the Sports Service!
Don’t forget that voting is still open for the Sporting Moment of the Year Award. Watch the videos here, share your favourite on social media & tag us in your posts! https://www.sport.cam.ac.uk/sporting-moment-vote-now
To view the shortlisted nominations for this category, please click here.