That's a wrap for 2023-24 - what a year it's been...

About Us
Cambridge University Powerlifting Club (CUPLC) exists to facilitate strength training within the university and particularly to supply a powerlifting team to compete in the annual Varsity powerlifting match. As well as dedicated powerlifters, our membership includes sporting people from various other disciplines (athletics, martial arts, sailing), as well as a number of people who train simply as part of a healthy lifestyle, without sporting ambitions. The club is friendly and open and encourages new members, regardless of previous experience. If you are interested in lifting weights it is important not to feel intimidated by the weights you might see more experienced people lifting. No experienced lifter expects a novice to walk in and lift heavy weights - most can remember their own first efforts! So you should not feel you have to impress or compete.
Get in Touch
Find our contact details and social media details in the menu links.