Submitted by Ashley Edwards on Mon, 02/12/2019 - 10:21
BUTTS League, Leg 2: De Montfort University
On Sunday 24th November, a group of fifteen archers made the road trip to Leicester for the DMU BUTTS leg, sustained on the journey by a McDonalds drive-through venture.
It was a successful day of shooting and well worth the travel, with CUB bringing home a crop of medals. Amongst the experienced archers, Eleanor Brug won silver in ladies recurve, whilst Liam Pattinson won silver in the combined barebow category.
The novice team - a couple of whom were at their very first archery competition - also brought home several medals, with Andy Cai and Sean Seet winning silver and bronze in the gents novice recurve, and Vicki Hodgson and Isabella Hogan winning gold and silver in the ladies novice recurve. Much to their excitement, the Cambridge novices as a team also collectively won the DMU BUTTS leg, as well as having the highest score of any novice team across the leagues fixtures that weekend!
The day was rounded off nicely with dinner, drinks and chats with several new friends from the DMU team in the local pub (pleasantly cheap compared to Cambridge prices...), before heading home for some much-deserved rest.
Writeup by Vicky Hodgson