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Karate Club

Cambridge University Karate Club


About Us

CUKC is one of Cambridge’s most successful clubs, with a streak of 14 consecutive Varsity victories! The club welcomes new members of any skill level and background. We have designated beginner classes, as well as kata and kumite sessions for our more advanced karateka and all sessions are taught by experienced instructors. We compete at various regional and national competitions and host regular gradings.



Check the club website - www.cukc.org


How do I sign up?

Freshers Demo: 10th October, 3 hour long sessions from 3-6pm at Fenners Gallery, Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre. Use the sign up link for more information and to register.

Sign up here.


Blues Status

Full Blue 


Key Contact

Christoph Hess - secretary@cukc.org